February 2024

Heart to Heart Newsletter

2023 Year-end Letter

Dear Volunteers, Sponsors and Friends of Heart to Heart, Special Fund of Shanghai Rende Foundation

What a difference a year makes.

We had all looked forward to 2023 as a new start after a slow 2022. The new year definitely did not let us down. Our volunteers, sponsors and participating hospitals all came together to create the best year we’ve ever had if you measure our success by the number of heart surgeries we do. We were able to support an astounding 579 heart surgeries in 2023! It was simply an amazing year. Everyone associated with Heart to Heart in any capacity whatsoever deserves a big round of applause. Thank you!!!!

Here are some simplified ways looks at the year as a whole in our different sectors:


We lost a lot of experienced volunteers in 2022. Nevertheless, the various teams streamlined their processes, recruited new members where necessary and got on with their team goals. Fewer volunteers handled the huge increase in workflow that occurred to support the 579 surgeries. But, everyone obviously did great jobs at working smarter since the work got done with our smaller teams. Thank you to all who volunteered. No matter what your task/team was – administration, Art for Hearts, assembly, bag packing/delivery, Children’s Day, events, field trips, finance, Golf4Hearts, group volunteering, heart bears, knitting, management, marketing/promotions, playroom, promotions/sales, sewing, sponsorship, translations, website, WeChat or the year-end report – it took all of us working together to complete that amount of work. Thank you.


Despite the fact that we don’t advertise, our sponsor base held together and we even picked up some new, very inspired sponsors through referrals and word of mouth. It was a great year for monetary donations. In addition, some of the children who previously had heart surgeries received social insurance reimbursements so that we were able to utilize the donations to sponsor more children for heart surgery. The combined effect of great sponsors and the social insurance allowed us to reach that unprecedented 579 number.

2023 also showed an increase in the number of donors who sent donated goods to us. They were efficiently processed and the appropriate items were sent out to groups who needed them, recycled or packed into the welcome bags for our new patients and their families. We’ve never given out so many bags before. In the hospital the kids and their families loved them. In addition, we received “gift” donations from schools and individuals that we were able to give to many of the children when they came out of the ICU. It was amazing how many of our children had never received a wrapped gift before and how excited they were upon opening them. Thanks to everyone who sent us goods – used or new. Everything was truly appreciated.


Heart surgeries were performed in 2 different hospitals in 2023. The participating hospitals were extremely efficient in locating and bringing in our little patients who needed heart surgery for congenital heart disease. The majority of children in 2023 appeared to be from group screenings that occurred in the provinces of Guizhou, Hunan, Qinghai, Shandong, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Yunnan. We also had many children from all over China come in through referrals from “sister” hospitals to our main hospitals. The hospitals and our volunteers at those hospitals did a great job. It entailed a lot of coordination, logistics and paperwork. It all got processed, however, and the children and family representatives all made it into the hospitals in Shanghai for their surgeries. Thank you!!!

School Libraries and Sports Packages

2023 saw the resumption of our rural school library and sports package programs. Generous sponsored enabled us to dedicate 3 libraries/sports packages in Fujian province in September 2023 and 3 more libraries/sports packages in Sichuan province in November 2023. I know the libraries and sports packages were very much appreciated at the schools in both locations. Also, both trips were very rewarding for the groups who were able to go on the field trips. We hope to expand the program to 3-4 trips in 2024.

As I’ve said before many times over the years, everyone associated with Heart to Heart in ANY capacity should be extremely proud of what we achieved. Your performance in 2023 was stellar.  Everything functioned really well due to your hard work, commitment, and donations.  As a team – whether you are a volunteer, a sponsor, a hospital representative or a member of Rende Foundation – you changed everything for the 597 children (and their families) we helped. They are all going forward to live entirely different lives than they would have without what you did for them. It is not often that any of us can positively impact others in this manner. Thank you for your generosity, selflessness, energy and commitment. You will be remembered by all those 579 children and families as the people who gave them new futures.

Your dedication to Heart to Heart is inspiring. It is more than a pleasure to volunteer alongside you.

I don’t know how it could be possible, but let’s strive to make 2024 even better for children with congenital heart disease through Heart to Heart.

Happy New Year!

Karen Carrington
Executive Director (Volunteer)

















Karen Carrington


Upcoming Assembly Dates: 

Tuesday, Feb 13           9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, Feb 20           9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, Feb 27           9:30 – 12:30
Thursday, Mar 5            9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, Mar 12           9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, Mar 19           9:30 – 12:30
Tuesday, Mar 26           CANCELLED

3rd Annual Ganso Golf4Hearts

We are happy to announce that the 3rd Ganso G4H Charity Golf finished on a high note! Ourcommittee initially aimed for a target of two heart surgeries = RMB 60,000. We managed to raise over RMB90,000 This means three children will be receiving surgeries and go on to
live normal lives. It will be a game changer for their families.

Other Interesting stats
– 19 teams/76 players
– Volunteers: 11
– Intl. playing field (13+ nationalities)

Building a tradition
Golf has always been a great marketing tool favored by businesses. If used properly, it can also do wonders in helping people who need assistance. We aim to make G4H into an annual golfing fiesta. We encourage players and sponsors to move fast to lock in your slots for the 4th G4H Charity Golf. We also challenged ourselves by introducing the junior’s category. Hopefully, one day they’ll all become passionate volunteers for various charities.

Warmest Appreciation & Recognition
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the staff from Shanghai West GC for their hospitality and support. Also, we owe a lot to our team of dedicated volunteers. It’s also encouraging to see teenage volunteers “Eileen Cai, Audrey, Kitty, Lyon” taking part in such events. We look forward to see you guys again next year. Thank you for turning out for the 3rd G4H! Last, but not least, we’d like to say that we really appreciate our sponsors, many of them has been supporting and growing with us since the 1st G4H. Our long list of generous sponsors who showered us with gifts and wonderful resources.             

List of sponsors:

1. Ganso 元祖Naming sponsor)                                  

2. Moonpala 西班牙火腿

3. Sinarmas 医疗

4. Riversdale 酒业

5. 邻家日本料理

6. Asian Golf Scotland

7. Britannica International School不列颠英国外籍人员子女学校

8. Power Max 给力贴

9. ROCKIT 乐淇苹果


11. Epermarket Imported Grocery

12. Jotun

13. Mr. Tom Luk 陆先生

14. MOTOYA日本料理

15. Alpha Dental

16. Tema Golf

17. AT Art

18. 米大娘

19. Swiss Butchery

Early Invitations
We have formed an executive committee to ensure smooth operations for future golf related fundraiser events. Please contact us if you are keen to share your skills and resources towards this charitable cause. We are hoping to get our sponsors onboard the concept of “Business for Good” and Golf for Hearts campaign. Do reach out to us if you see an opportunity for us to build strategic partnerships.    
See you next year!



在筹备赛事初期,组委会定下的目标是筹得两位儿童心脏手术的费用 — 60,000元人民币,最终我们募集到了超过90,000元人民币!



– 一共有19支球队,76名球员参加比赛;
– 志愿者成员:11
– 参赛者来自世界各地13个国家


高尔夫一直是企业与商家支持的体育活动。安排得当,可以为推动慈善事业创造奇迹。2022年我们做了很多不同的尝试, 在总结去年的赛事经验后,我们顺利完成了连续三年的筹办,与此同时,延续自我挑战的精神,第三届首次设立了青少年组,以及在晚宴上邀请家庭志愿者为爱现场义演,京剧小小传人Audrey 与银月亮 Silver Moon为慈善大家庭增添了精彩纷呈的艺术氛围。相信明年会有更多青少年与青年院校加入,我们更希望能邀请青少年成员成为赛事组织与策划成员,做到真正意义的向善传承与新生代力量的创新。




组委会想借此机会感谢光明高尔夫的热情好客和超值优惠;光明管理层对G4H的事业展现出极大的鼓舞与行动支持。此外,非常感谢敬业的志愿者团队,更是激动看到这些青少年志愿者们– “Eileen, Audrey, Kitty, Lyon”的加入。感谢参加本届慈善高尔夫的球员们,希望明年第四届G4H再次见到各位球队出现在报名名单上!

最后,感谢鼎力支持的赞助商们,许多伙伴从第一届G4H就见证了赛事的成长,感恩这有各位一路陪伴前行~ 。                                                            


  1. Ganso 元祖冠名赞助商)

  1. Moonpala 西班牙火腿

  1. Sinarmas 医疗

  1. Riversdale 酒业

  1. 邻家日本料理

  1. Asian Golf Scotland

  1. Britannica International School不列颠英国外籍人员子女学校

  1. Power Max 给力贴

  1. ROCKIT 乐淇苹果

  1. Natural J NATURAL TONIC

  1. Epermarket Imported Grocery

  1. Jotun

  1. Mr. Tom Luk 陆先生

  1. MOTOYA日本料理

  1. Alpha Dental

  1. Tema Golf

  1. AT Art

  1. 米大娘

  1. Swiss Butchery


我们成立了一个执行委员会,以确保未来与高尔夫相关的筹款活动的顺利进行。如果您乐意为这份慈善事业分享您的技能和资源,请与我们联系。希望我们的赞助商认同 “商业向善”和“高尔夫连心”的理念。如果您认为双方有机会建立战略合作伙伴关系,请联系我们。



Hiring volunteers, players, sponsors and venue provider for the 4th G4H charity

Things We Need

If you want to help out by sending things that the children and their families need while they are in the hospital (or when they get home), here is what we currently need:

  • Baby toys (3 months – 2 years)
  • Bar soap
  • Chinese children’s books (ages 8+)
  • Children’s toothpaste
  • Coloring books
  • Glue sticks
  • Shampoo (250 ml)
  • Socks (ages 3 – 6)

We really appreciate your generosity!

如果您想通过捐赠物品来帮助住院期间的孩子和他们的家人们,我们也是非常欢迎的。 目前我们最需要的是:

  • 3个月-2岁婴儿玩具
  • 香皂
  • 中国少儿读物 (8岁以上)
  • 儿童牙膏
  • 图画本
  • 胶棒
  • 洗发水 250ML/瓶
  • 袜子(3-6岁儿童)


Please send them to:  上海市徐汇区龙漕路218号远大心胸医院3FL上海仁德基金会心连心专项基金Karen13916295852

Cricket Team

Cricket anyone?

Heart to Heart really appreciates the support of “The Hot Dogs”!  It’s not just any cause that can say they have a cricket team supporting them. We wish them great success.                                 



Last Summer’s Assembly

Once planes were flying again, many assembly volunteers took advantage during the first part of 2023 to return their own country and families. Not being able to travel for so long turned a normally few week visit home to months and months of quality family time. Thank you to the skeleton summer assembly team who held down the fort and ran the assembly room with no disruptions and with ease.  Also, a special Baie Dankie to Brigitte Botha for spending every Tuesday morning volunteering during her stay in Shanghai from South Africa.  Now that many volunteers are returning to Shanghai, donations are increasing and tasks are needing to be completed. Please follow our assembly schedule and come join us.


Heart Bear Sales

It has been about a year since our last newsletter was published and a lot has happened in that time regarding our heart bear sales. From big company orders to the purchase of single bears for private occasions, we sold about 3,000 heart bears and more than 900 baby bears since last summer!


All orders and sales came with unique and heartwarming stories. There are too many to tell them all, but here are some of them:


Our biggest order last year came from Texas Instruments, which has been a long-term sponsor of H2H. They ordered 830 heart bears for their staff – what a nice and meaningful gift! – as part of a big donation which helped to sponsor more than 20 children. We worked hard for weeks, but by the end of October 2022, we happily delivered all bears. Thank you so much!


Another great story was the “Gerry Weber project”. It started in July 2022 as a special order of 50 customized bears by Gerry Weber, a German fashion company. Magdalena, a member of our sewing team, received sample fabrics and labels and made 50 beautiful little bear outfits the company later used as special gifts for customers and partners. They also motivated their suppliers to support H2H. Over the summer we received more and more bear orders from several textile companies around Shanghai and the goal to sponsor a child’s surgery was more than achieved! In fact they sponsored several!

(Nice side effect: I discovered a new hobby for me and am now part of the sewing team)

另一个感人的故事是“Gerry Weber项目”: 20227月,德国时尚公司Gerry Weber特别订购了50只定制熊。Magdalena是我们缝纫团队的一员,她根据收到的样品织物和标签,制作了50套漂亮的小熊服装,这个公司后来将这些定制熊送给客户和合作伙伴作为特殊的礼物。他们还鼓励供应商也加入支持H2H的队伍。这个夏天,我们陆陆续续收到了来自上海的好几家纺织公司的爱心熊订单,帮助我们实现了赞助儿童心脏手术的目标!而且,他们赞助了好几个手术!


Christmas is always THE time for great bear sales: A special thank you goes to the Yanlord knitting team and Sophia Luo for taking part in many events, supplying so many cute outfits and helping to finish an urgent last-minute order of 500 baby bears for Christmas hampers for Mr & Mrs Bund.

圣诞节总是卖熊的好时机:特别感谢仁恒编织团队和Sophia Luo,他们组织并参加了很多的活动,提供了可爱的小熊服装,并在最后一刻为Mr & Mrs Bund紧急定制了500只小熊作为圣诞礼篮。

And thank you to all the schools and kindergartens – especially Fortune Kindergarten, YCIS and SUIS – who are big purchasers of heart bears. So many children have received surgery as a result!


A very special bear sale took place at the 2023 Art for Hearts Show. The beautiful and authentic designs attracted a lot of visitors and buyers. We’d like to say a big thank you to all knitters and sewers for bringing out their best skills and – once again – Sophia and her team for the lovely setting up and managing the sale!


Another big company fundraising sale was organized by Bluescope. In the early summer of 2023, they ordered a total of 265 bears for all their China offices. Thank you to all people of Bluescope!


There are many more examples of individuals or corporates who supported H2H by buying heart bears – we thank them all! But all the sales could not have been done without our committed H2H volunteers at assembly, in our knitting and sewing teams and – last but not least – our drivers who delivered many bears to their future homes. Thank you to you all and let’s keep going!


Long Time No See

So much time has passed!   It was great to get together for lunch with Dr. Chen and Jean Xing.  They haven’t changed a bit.  For those of you who don’t remember them, Dr. Chen was the chief surgeon at Shanghai Chest Hospital.  She was instrumental in getting Heart to Heart established as an organization dedicated to helping save children with congenital heart disease through heart surgery.   Jean was one of the original volunteers and translator for Christine.   I hope we are able to see more of them in the future!

时间过得太快了! 很高兴能和陈医生还有Jean Xing一起吃午饭。他们一点也没变。有些人可能不记得了,陈医生是上海胸科医院的主任外科医生。在心连心创始之时,她帮助心连心建立并成为一个致力于通过心脏手术帮助拯救先天性心脏病儿童的组织。 Jean是心连心最初的志愿者之一,也是Christine的翻译。我希望我们能在未来有更多的机会见到他们!

The 5th Annual Art for Hearts Show

After a 1.5 year hiatus, Art for Hearts was definitely back in 2023. The much anticipated event sponsored by Rende Foundation and the Shanghai Centre took place on June 2 in the 4 th floor atrium at the Shanghai Centre. A gorgeous backdrop donated by Renai Hospital set off the artwork. Works by over 100 very generous and talented artists were donated to the cause of obtaining heart surgeries for disadvantaged Chinese children with congenital heart disease. It was obvious that the artists poured their hearts and souls into the pieces. They were displayed and sold with 100% of the sale prices going towards the surgeries. In addition, the Heart to Heart knitting and sewing teams sold special edition heart bears commemorating famous Chinese opera characters. They were also beautiful enough to be works of art.

In addition to art and heart bears, there was also a wide range of raffle prizes sponsored by Abbey Road, Alysia Lee – Creative, Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau, Ayi Matchmakers, Blue Water, Body &Soul, Bon App, Borsh&Kompot, Bushido, Business Performance Consulting, Chigho Medical, CITIC, Delta Health, DVA Spa, El Santo, Epermarket, Gap, GOMA, GoPro, Greenwave, Homeslice, Hu & Hu, Intercontinental Hotels, Mandarin Community, Marcus Art Stones, Naked Retreats, OK Deal Travel, Pain Chaud, Pinyin Press, Riverdale Wine, The Rooster, The Sanctuary, SEIMC, Synergetic, Yan Yu Wines and Z Wang T-shirts. The winners of the gift baskets made up of multiple prizes were definitely lucky!

Food and drinks for all the guests were provided by Blue Water, Epermarket, GOMA, Vedett, St. James’s Place and Su Vegetarian Snacks. They definitely added a lot to the evening. And we can’t forget two other very important elements. We’d like to say a big thanks to SAE for storing and transporting all of our easels. It’s not a small task. And, of course, we really want to thank the 2023 Art for Hearts committee and the 60 volunteers who worked at the event. It wouldn’t have been possible without all of them.

The art show was spectacular. Almost all the art was sold! Between the raffle sales, donations, painting sales, bear sales, etc., we were able to sponsor an amazing 14 more children for heart surgery.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of us — but especially the kids whose lives will be changed as a result of what you helped accomplish! Thank you.

Stay tuned for the 6 th Annual Art for Hearts which is tentatively scheduled for November 2024.



除了艺术作品和爱心小熊之外,我们还推出了一系列抽奖奖品,由Abbey Road, Alysia Lee – Creative, Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau, Ayi Matchmakers, Blue Water, Body & Soul, Bon App, Borsh&Kompot, Bushido, Business Performance Consulting, Chigho Medical, CITIC, Delta Health, DVA Spa, El Santo, Epermarket, Gap, GOMA, GoPro, Greenwave, Homeslice, Hu & Hu, Intercontinental Hotels, Mandarin Community, Marcus Art Stones, Naked Retreats, OK Deal Travel, Pain Chaud, Pinyin Press, Riverdale Wine, The Rooster, The Sanctuary, SEIMC, Synergetic, Yan Yu Wines and Z Wang T-shirts赞助。幸运者将获得由多种奖品组成的大礼包,实在是幸事一桩!

对于所有的来宾,Blue Water、Epermarket、GOMA、Vedett、St. James’s Place and Su Vegetarian Snacks提供了美食和饮品,为整个晚上增添了一丝特别的氛围。我们也要特别感谢SAE为存储和运输所有画架所做的努力,这着实不易。当然,我们还要由衷地感谢2023年的“艺连心”组委会和60名志愿者在活动中的辛勤付出。没有他们的支持,这一切都将成为泡影。




New Rooms at Yida Hospital

.Despite knowing how much our sponsored children need their heart surgery, most children and their families feel extremely nervous about coming to the hospital to get it.  It’s no wonder.  There are always risks associated with heart surgery, the families can’t afford to be away from work and they are also in an environment they are totally unfamiliar with.  Heart to Heart does everything they can to lessen the stress the family feels through the welcome bags and food cards that we give them.  The  H2H playroom is also there to make the children smile and distract them from what is going on.  Recently, Yida Hospital has also started a program to give the children something happy to look at while they are in their rooms.  The rooms are no longer four institutional white walls.   Instead, they are full of color and fun.  The H2H rooms have our logo on the outside doors and our motto and fun-filled pictures on the walls.   There’s even a little heart bear in some of the pictures.  It’s such a great idea!  We are extremely pleased that Yida is honoring us in this manner.


Playroom News
In July 2022, when I first laid my eyes on the children’s playroom at Qingpu’s Yida Hospital, I was amazed! It was a vast space with beautiful murals and I couldn’t help but imagine the kids playing in this wonderful setting.  Setting up such a large space wasn’t an easy task. We had over a dozen large boxes of toys, tables, chairs, and cabinets – some from the previous playroom and some from new donations. During that time, whenever I had a spare moment, I would visit the playroom, categorize the toys, create different sections, and place the toys in their respective areas.  After over a month of organizing, the playroom officially launched on August 14, 2022. We held a brief ceremony to celebrate the grand opening of the new play area.  However, following this, due to the resurgence of the pandemic, the playroom had to close briefly until early 2023 when it was allowed to reopen. Meanwhile, the children supported by Heart to Heart also come for the surgeries. We were delighted about this, but it came with new challenges.

Due to the playroom’s relocation and the impact of the pandemic, many playroom volunteers were unable to work at the new location. The sharp decline in volunteer numbers meant that the playroom couldn’t be open every day.  Recruiting new volunteers became a top priority. Heart to Heart volunteers were enthusiastic in their support and suggestions. Luisa from the Event team rallied volunteers to actively join the children’s playroom team and invited us to participate in events to recruit new volunteers.  Liz often worked late into the night, sending emails to potential volunteers, and Mei made time in her busy schedule for online training. With everyone’s help, the playroom team gained many new members. Although we were still short-handed, the team’s strength significantly increased, giving me great confidence.

Every time I visit the playroom and see the children and their parents joyfully playing and bustling about in this space, I’m especially grateful to Heart to Heart and our volunteers. While it might not seem like a grand achievement, it’s the cumulative contributions of each Heart to Heart volunteer that bring a touch of laughter to this world. That, in itself, is quite remarkable.







Knitting Sessions

Knitting is a skill that gives you joy throughout your life. Knitting clothes and trinkets for our heart bears is even more meaningful because it helps children with congenital heart disease obtain the surgery they need. H2H volunteers have continued and expanded our knitting activities lately by going into many companies, schools and communities to teach knitting. This means that more caring people can understand and participate in the mission of the Shanghai Rende Foundation Heart to Heart Special Fund. Together we are helping children with congenital heart disease.

Since the beginning of 2023, many H2H partners like BlueScope, Marsh, JAS, Oliver Wyman, Kora, Meltwater, Deckers, Campari and others invited H2H volunteer knitting teachers to teach their employees to knit. Beginners were taught basic skills so that they could complete bows and masks for the bears. First-time participants successfully completed the accessories, added them to a dressed heart bear and then took the bear home. More advanced knitters were able to knit their own clothes for the bears. The end result of all of this was the transmission of love. Each nearly two-hour knitting activity was full of joyful laughter, which participants said was very decompressing and fun. It was fulfilling for all and a good opportunity to enhance team cohesion.

Knitting was also taught at the Soong Ching Ling School. Teaching primary school students to knit is very challenging. It takes more patience, but the children were serious learners and through the efforts of 5 classes, they completed small masks for our baby bears. They were really great. At YCIS Puxi, parents gathered to knit a variety of beautiful bear clothes. They ended up completing nearly 100 outfits and the bears looked beautiful. They have used their bears to raise funds at the school’s charity sales and they also taught students to knit so they could help children with congenital heart disease as well.

Every year, we have thousands of heart bears passed on to caring people. Our knitting volunteers come from all over the world. They either get together for regular gatherings or knit in their own free time. Designs for bear clothes is becoming more and more innovative and popular. With love in our hearts and light in our eyes, let’s work together to knit a better world


编织是一项欢乐解压且终身受用的技能,而为我们的爱心小熊编织衣服及小饰品,更具有意义,因为能帮助到先天性心脏病的患儿手术治疗。H2H志愿者们一直坚持将爱心编织活动持续地进行下去,走进很多企业、学校和社区,让更多的爱心人士一起参与,了解上海仁德基金会心连心专项基金 的使命,共同帮助先心病患儿。

今年以来,众多H2H的企业伙伴BlueScopeMarshJASOliver WymanKoraMeltwaterDeckersCampari等都邀请了H2H的志愿者编织老师们去教他们的员工爱心编织,手把手地教大家从基础的编织针法开始,到完成小饰品蝴蝶结和小口罩,以及小熊的漂亮衣服和帽子等,第一次参加的零基础学员们都能成功地完成编织作品,为爱心小熊装扮一新,再由爱心人士把可爱的小熊带回家,这是一份爱的传递。每次近两个小时的编织活动充满着欢乐的笑声,小伙伴们都说编织非常解压又好玩,还能创作自己喜欢的作品来装扮小熊,太有成就感了。这是一个提升团队凝聚力和向心力的好机会。



Update Your Knitting and Sewing PatternsWe have many wonderful knitters and seamstresses who make clothing for the heart bears remotely – whether in Shanghai or across the world. Since we sell thousands of heart bears a year, this is a great thing. We need the outfits and it’s wonderful to get the new creations from all of you. Thank you for keeping in touch and for working so hard to help the children!

Because we sell thousands of heart bears a year, we need to reorder the bears at least once a year. Although you would think that each shipment would be the same, it just doesn’t work out that way. The bears are always slightly different. That means that sometimes the clothing is too big or too small. So you can make sure that your outfits are the right size, please contact the knitting and/or sewing team at least once a year so they can let you know the correct dimensions/pattern changes. Of course, if you no longer have any contact information for a specific team, just send your request to info@h2hsh.net and we’ll make sure you get the proper information.

Thanks for continue to volunteer for H2H. We need you!

无论是在上海还是在世界各地,我们都有许多出色的针织和缝纫志愿者为爱心小熊制作服装。 每年能销售出几千只爱心小熊是一件令人开心的事。非常感谢能从针织和缝纫志愿者那得到最新创作的小熊服装,这也正是我们需要的。感谢您能与我们保持联系并努力帮助孩子们!

因为爱心小熊的销量较大,所以我们每年至少需要重新订购一次小熊。志愿者们可能会认为每批小熊的尺寸都是一样的,但事实并非如此。我们每次收到的小熊尺寸总是略有不同,这意味着有时衣服太大或太小。 因此,为了确保小熊衣服的尺寸是合适的,请每年至少联系一次针织和/或缝纫团队,以便让您知道正确的尺寸以及款式变化。当然,如果您没有特定团队的联系方式,只需发送邮件到info@h2hsh.net ,我们将确保您获得正确的信息。

感谢您继续为 H2H 做志愿者,我们需要您的参与!

Thank you SCIS ECE

On April 22 our incredible Parents and Friends Association (PAFA) successfully hosted the Eighth Annual SCIS ECE Charity Art Auction in support of Heart to Heart Shanghai.
With approximately 80 attendees, we are proud to announce that our SCIS community raised a whopping 107,350 – meaning three children will receive lifesaving surgeries this year! The competition was heated,  and this year’s top bid went to Ms. Megan Beer’s class. The classroom artwork titled “A classroom woven together,” was auctioned for an extraordinary RMB8300! 2023 marks 10 years of this invaluable ECE / Heart to Heart Shanghai partnership. Up to date, the ECE Charity Art Auction has accounted for 33 children’s heart surgeries.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who attended, participated, volunteered and sponsored, on the evening. To all our community sponsors for your generous donations, the event could not transpire without you. A special vote of thanks to our ECE teachers for facilitating and making the art pieces come to life. To our parent volunteers and main campus musicians, thank you for creating a fun, electrifying atmosphere. To Ms. Knight and the ECE support staff for their coordination and smooth running of the event. Ayi’s and guards – we see you all. Our ECE catering team from Basil n Latte; for the delicious eats. Kris Fu, kindergarten dad of two and our MC for the evening. And to Mr. E for keeping us entertained
throughout. Lastly, thank you to our PAFA ECE representatives – Lucky and May for reminding us that we are all heroes and brining our community together.

做个英雄,拯救生命:2023年 学前教育组艺术品慈善拍卖活动回顾
四月二十二日上海长宁国际学校学前教育组艺术品慈善拍卖活动由不可思议的亲友协会主办,成功进行了 第八届年度活动,支持上海心连心。
我们很骄傲地宣布将近八十位出席的宾客,为我们筹募了人民币107,350元 – 这代表着今年有三位儿童得以 接受拯救生命的手术!竞标相当激烈,今年标出最高价的是Megan Beer老师的班级作品“交织在一起的教室 ”,以人民币8300元卖出!
2023年是本校学前教育组和上海心连心建立珍贵合作伙伴关系的第十年。到目前为止,33位孩童通过我们 的艺术慈善拍卖活动收入,得以接受心脏手术。
在此,我们要感谢当晚所有出席,参与,志愿,和赞助的人员及单位。向促成活动成功举办的社区赞助者 致意。更要特别感谢所有学前教育组的老师们的协助,让每件艺术品栩栩如生。感谢家长志工和主校区的 音乐家们带来生动活泼精彩的气氛。谢谢Knight女士和学前教育组的员工做足了协调,让活动顺利进行。阿姨们,警卫们,辛苦了!美味的食物是学前教育组餐饮团队安排由Basil n Latte 提供。有两个孩子在学前 班就读的家长Kris Fu担任活动主持人,以及整晚为大家炒热气氛的E先生。最后,感谢亲友协会学前教育 组代表Lucky和May,把我们团结在一起,并再次提醒我们都是英雄!

Featured Volunteer: Paddy O’ReillyWell, given the name above you can’t get any more Irish than that.

Hello readers. My name is Paddy O’Reilly. Born in Ireland, I am one of 6 siblings… At the age of 30, I decided that if I don’t go out and see this world, I would just ponder on the wonders of this world, and would have probably continued to sit behind a desk Monday to Friday thinking… ‘I should have gone’… So back in 2003 I gave up my former life in a career in IT and decided to head down under – to Australia. Never did I think that going to Australia for 12 months on a working holiday visa would take me on a further 20 year journey of exploring this world, and of which today brings me to Shanghai where I have lived for the past 2 and a half years.

I am living in Shanghai with my husband who is working here for 3 years. When we arrived in February 2021 we were (like many of you out there) in the midst of an unknown future due to the pandemic facing the world. But strong and determined, we knew of the challenges ahead but we also knew that one day the world would come back to some normality. So, navigating my way around Shanghai and beyond, soon Shanghai became our new home for the foreseeable future.

As with being a foreigner in a foreign land, you meet a lot of interesting people along the way. Wanting to do something fulfilling in a charity sense (like I have done in previous countries while travelling the world), I set out to find an organisation to donate my time to – hence finding Heart to Heart.

I have been with Heart to Heart now since February 2022. I am so grateful to have been introduced to the charity. The charity’s mission and goal is truly commendable. I admire the essence of the charity and all that they set out to do. There are so many amazing people in the organisation that they all themselves deserve a pat on the back.

One of the areas of Heart to Heart that I am involved with is the Assembly project that happens every Tuesday. We do a lot of physical work sorting through donations we receive from the community. As tiring as it can be at times, at the end of the day the funds raised as a result of our dedicated work adds up to giving a child a better future and what is more deserving than that. That is why I keep going back to Heart to Heart. I also volunteer at Heart to Heart throughout the year in other areas that are all as equally deserving in all that they achieve to raise funds on an ongoing basis.

Aside from Heart to Heart here in Shanghai, I like to spend my time exploring the older side of Shanghai. I like to get on a Hellobike (when the weather is cooler) and just cycle until my legs get sore, or my brain tells me it’s time for a beer. I love the hustle and bustle of the streets here at night time and am very partial to the many varieties of dumplings out there.

I do also like my quiet down time where I like to read and am partial to writing my own little creations. I have also tried to self-teach myself guitar while living here in Shanghai – but failing miserably. But there’s always tomorrow right?

I’ll leave you with an Irish joke:

Did you hear about the Irish potato that immigrated? He became a French fry.

Thanks for reading.


特约志愿者:Paddy O ‘Reilly



Events Update
Become an event volunteer and be a voice for Heart to Heart.

You might have seen heart bear sales’ tables run by H2H at markets such as“Green Escape”, “Commune Market”, “Paulaner Christmas Market”, etc.  You might also have noticed us at international schools’ campus activities or even at events supporting us in some companies and communities.  All of these can only be made possible by our event team volunteers.

These volunteers advocate awareness of Heart to Heart and its mission to support children with congenital heart disease and their families by providing surgery cost assistance through sales of heart bears. At the same time, they show our good will to the public to recruit more people to join the group.

What are the pros by becoming a H2H events team volunteer?

H2H has always been and will continue to be 100% managed and operated by volunteers. There is no salaried staff nor operating costs. This means 100% of every single donation is made to help offset the cost of heart surgeries.

Events volunteers donate time to help with the sales of each heart bear in exchange for the funds to help pay for the life changing surgeries of the children and their families. Volunteers also have the opportunity to visit these children in the hospital and witness the substantial impacts their loving contributions bring to others!

Further, our events volunteers are diverse with multiple nationalities, professions, backgrounds and experiences.  We are all brought together by the common love for charity. It is positively joyful and fulfilling to work together with a group of energetic people!

What does it take to become a Heart to Heart events team volunteer?

There are many different events, locations, and time slots for interested individuals to choose from via online registration. We welcome all who are interested. We will provide the necessary training and support.

How does one register to become a volunteer?

Please submit your application here: https://www.h2hsh.com/application/












Featured Sponsor of the Month XJTLU School of Languages Cakey Club

Cake and kids go together, but you don’t normally think of university schools of language, cake and congenital heart disease as having anything to do with one another.  But since July 2019, the XJTLU School of Languages has been holding an “All Things Cakey Club” and donating the proceeds to Heart to Heart to help sponsor our little patients for the heart surgeries they need so much.  The coordinators for the club change as the years go by, but they are all very focused on sending in donations and keeping the club apprised of the impact they are having.  So far, they have donated funds towards 12 surgeries and they just sent us another donation towards #13.  It’s a wonderful project from so many standpoints.  Thank you XJTLU School of Languages.  Keep eating!

说到蛋糕,我们总会联想到喜欢吃蛋糕的小孩子们。你通常不会把大学的语言学院、蛋糕和先天性心脏病连在一起。 自2019年7月以来,西交利物浦大学语言学院的“万物蛋糕俱乐部”将举办活动的收益捐赠给Heart to Heart,用以资助我们的小患者急需的心脏手术。虽然俱乐部协调负责员随着时间的推移有所更替,但他们始终专注于筹募捐款,并让大家充分了解捐款对需要帮助的手术儿童的巨大意义。到目前为止,他们已经为 12 次手术捐赠了资金,眼下,他们又向我们捐赠了可以用于第13个手术的资金。不管从哪个角度看,这都是一个非常棒的项目。谢谢西交利物浦大学语言学院。好吃的蛋糕,多多益善!

2023 Annual Report
Interested in how Heart to Heart weathered 2023 and how many children we were able to help?  Our annual report will be available by the end of February on our website at www.h2hsh.com or by asking for it at info@h2hsh.net.

想知道心连心2023年的成绩吗?想知道我们可以帮助到多少孩子吗? 欢迎到www.h2hsh.com查看我们的年度报告,或咨询info@h2hsh.net获得更多信息

Group Volunteering


We believe that corporate partnerships are essential to achieving our mission, and we would be honored to have your company join us in saving lives of children from all over China with congenital heart disease (CHD). We understand that your company has a commitment to social responsibility. By supporting us, you can make a meaningful contribution to this life-saving, life-changing and life-enhancing cause.

Here are some ways you can help us help children with congenital heart disease:

DONATE books, clothing, toiletries, toys, etc. (See the donated goods section of our website at www.h2hsh.com for what we need most at this time.) We’ll find a way to put them to good use.
ORGANIZE events to benefit the kids that need heart surgeries. Just RMB 30,000 provides surgery for a child with CHD whose parents can’t afford it themselves.
VOLUNTEER at our events around Shanghai – usually at public markets. All employees, friends, families (with chaperon if under 15 years old)…basically everyone is welcomed.
VOLUNTEER at our warehouse at Yida Hospital in Qingpu district. All employees, friends, families (with chaperon if under 15 years old)…basically everyone is welcomed. Up to 12 people at a time. Note: We supply each child/family that comes into the hospital for heart surgery through Heart to Heart with clothing/toiletries/toys/etc. to help them get through their hospital stay. (They have very little to nothing when they arrive.) In these sessions we sort clothing that will be given to them.
VOLUNTEER at our assembly room in Yoda Hospital in Xuhui district. Basically, you will be sorting donated goods (similar to #4 above). All volunteers 15 years old and above are welcome in groups up to 12 people at a time. KNIT the outfits for our heart bears. If you don’t know how, but you’re really interested, schedule a session with us and we’ll teach you.

We’re also open to ideas besides the above mentioned. We’re experienced in collaborating with companies in CSR projects. Feel free to get in touch with us by contacting Lusia Lu – WeChat id: LusiaSL. Thank you for thinking about supporting us! We look forward to working with you.





成为义卖志愿者 ——我们时不时会在上海的公共市集等活动中摆摊义卖爱心小熊。所有员工、朋友、家人(15岁以下需有监护人陪同)……基本上所有人都欢迎来帮忙。

成为青浦区医大医院的后勤志愿者 ——所有员工、朋友、家人(15岁以下需有监护人陪同)都欢迎参与,每次活动人数不超过12人。
志愿服务内容:  每个经由心连心专项基金前来接受心脏手术的孩子和家庭,来到医院时几乎一无所有。我们为他们提供衣物、洗漱用品、玩具等,帮助他们顺利度过住院期间。因此,我们需要人手来分类整理将要赠送给他们的物品。



除了以上提到的方式,如果您有其它的创意和想法,我们也十分欢迎。在企业社会责任项目上,我们有丰富的合作经验。请随时联系陆珊Lusia (微信ID:LusiaSL)。


Welcome to Our New Volunteers in the Last Year!

New Playroom Volunteers
Ahnaleigh Simmonds
Aleesa Cheah
Alessia Lo Cicero
Anastasija Puzankova
Anna Piccinno
Anoushka Durham
Andei e Brorson
Anya Dussault
Arfa Qureshi
Arylin Nacionales
Bonni Chan
Brian Lau
Caleb Koh
Charline Cai
Charlotte Kerauden
Clara Shen
Connie Wu
Crystal Lin
Colin Kim
Dijon Cho
Dominika Stankina
Doug Woodruff
Ella Yang
Effy Li
Ely McKenzie
Emily Su
Faye Chen
Flora Liu
Frank Lai
Gaeun Cho
Gia Jones-Ralph
Hanh Do
Heeyoon Choi
Hong Zhu
Hyungjoon Jang
Ines Ng-Triquet
Irene Li
Isabella Ouyang
Jackie Wheelock
Jacob Johnson
Jacob Phillips
Jana Van Zyl
Jane Yang
Jasmne Fraser
Jasmine Huang
Jenny Bang
Ji Chen
Jihye Son
Jing Jing Li
Jolene Tay
Jolyne Vongsady
Jose Luis Perez
Joyous Chou
Julien Gigos
Juliet Wells
Juxuan Feng
Karen Sookdew
Katue Parker
Laskshita Mehra
Leeann Lu
Lily Li
Lise Arlt
Louissica Huang
Lu Wang
Maja Mazzocca
Maria Clinton
Mariam Shawky
Marianne Welle
Marco Morello
Maryam Bizima
Megan Yong Sun
Ming Yue Huang
Minxu Wu
Mona Afanga
Nicole Van Duinen
Nithila Krishnakumar
Owen Wu
Peixin Ye
Pen Wei Guo
Pippa Jacobi
Qizi (Bella) Shan
Rachel Lee McLeod
Ricky Jin
Rona Petaia
Rowan Clinton
Salma Gichana
Sandesh Lawar
Sara Ou
Sara Woon
Sarah Gilsenan
Sarah Roden
Sandrine Lecrivain
Seoyeon Lee
Sharon Lam
Sherry Lee
Shirley Chung
Sibel Okan
Stacey Pam
Sun Mary
Sunmim Nam
Suvi Biesinger
Timothy Shih
Victoria Jiang
Victoria Lai
Virginia Zeller
Yue Yuan
Yuet Chu Chau
Yunjung Shin
Xian Liu
Xiao Xiao
Xiaojie Ma
Zexin Wu
Zhi Hdeng Kuan
Zoe Wennerholm

 New Assembly Volunteers
Alden Pixley
Allen Sani
Anastasija Puzankove
Anita Aggarwal
Anoushka Durham
Arfa Qureshi
Arylin Nacionles
Aya Hu
Celia Zhang
Charline Cai
Clara Shen
Colin Thompson
Connie Wu
Doug Woodruff
Faye Clen
Flora Liu
Frank Lai
Helen Ma
Hong Zhu
Jackie Wheelock
Jacob Johnson
Jacob Phillips
Jana Van Zyl
Jasmine Fraser
Jenny Bang
Ji Chen
Jolene Tay
Juliet Wells
Juxuan Feng
Karen Sookdew
Katy Wang
Lily Chow
Lise Arlt
Louissica Haung
Lucy Wu
Mariam Shawky
Marina Moreno
Megan Ying Sun
Minxu Wu
Mona Afanga
Nithila Krishnakumar
Pen Wei Guo
Quartus Wong
Rina Myburgh
Rona Petaia
Sarah Gilsenan
Sarah Roden
Sharon Lam
Shirley Chung
Silvia Bennecke
Timothy Shih
Virginia Zeller
Yang Yu
Yue Yuan
Yueying Cui
Xu Zhou
Zoe Wennerholm

 New Events Volunteers
Alessia Lo Cicero
Allen Sani
Anastasija Puzankova
Arylin Nacionales
Aya Hu
Bo Wen Tey
Celia Zhang
Christy Cheng
Colin Kim
Colin Thompson
Connie Wu
Corrine Lin
Crystal Lin
Doug Woodruff
Emma Gu
Faye Chen
Flora Liu
Frank Lai
Gia Jones-Ralph
Greg Holman
Hanh Do
Hau Wei Lien
Hong Zhu
Hua Tu
Jacob Johnson
Jana Van Zyl
Jasmine Chen
Jing Jing Li
Jose Luis Perez
Juxuan Feng
Laura Zhang
Lily Li
Louissica Huang
Lu Wang
Lucy Wu
Maja Mazzocca
Mariam Shawky
Marina Moreno
Maryam Bizima
Megan Ying Sun
Minxu Wu
Mona Afanga
Owen Wu
Oyku Yavuz
Pen Wei Guo
Pippa Jacobi
Rena Sasak
Sandesh Pawari
Sara Ou
Sibel Okan
Stacey Pam
Stephanie Wong
Suvi Biesinger
Teresa Sun
Timothy Shih
Virginia Zeller
William Wang
Yang Yu
Yue Yuan
Yueying Cui
Xian Liu
Zexin Wu

 New Knitting Volunteers
Aleesa Cheah
Clara Shen
Colin Kim
Doug Woodruff
Flora Liu
Jane Cai
Juxuan Feng
Mari Hemmi
Megan Ying Sun
Minxu Wu
Rona Petaia
Timothy Shih
Yueying Cui
Victoria Jiang
Virginia Zeller
Zexin Wu
Zoe Wennerholm

New Sewing Volunteers
Anna Piccinno
Clara Shen
Colin Kim
Doug Woodruff
Flora Liu
Jane Cai
Juliana Povoa De Mattos
Juliet Wells
Juxuan Feng
Kerri Fulton
Lucy Wu
Mari Hemmi
Marina Moreno
Megan Ying Sun
Minxu Wu
Nicole Van Duinen
Pam Ryder
Rebecca Eldred
Rona Petaia
Timothy Shih
Juliet Wells
Yoko Iseda
Yueying Cui

Sign Up to be a Volunteer! 
Want to sign up to volunteer? Here is a new easy way! Just scan the QR Code and fill out the information. It takes less than a minute!
With your support 2,984 children (25 so far in 2024), 162 rural school libraries and 19 school sports equipment packages have been sponsored! 
Follow Us Online
In addition to our webpage at www.h2hsh.com, we are on WeChat, Facebook, and Linkedin.  Join us to share pictures and get updates!

Contact Us! 
General Information:  Karen Carrington   (info@h2hsh.net)
Admin Team:  Juliana Zeiske, Karen Carrington
Annual Report:  Mei Kang
Assembly Director:  DJ Wizniak
Assembly Team Backups:  Allan McDean & Paddy O’Reilly
Assembly Team Correspondence: Cristina Buron Pust (assembling@h2hsh.net)
Book Sales:  Jaycee Zhang and Mary Isobel
Charity Liaison/Regulations Director:  Joyce Wang
Chinese Language Communication Team:  Ella Liu, Freya Pan, Jie Huang, Lusia Lu, Mei Kang, Rose Ding & Yen-ling Von Meister
CSR and Group Volunteering Manager:  Bev Darle (groupvolunteers@h2hsh.net)
CSR and Group Volunteering Team:  DJ Wizniak & Karen Carrington
Donations (New & Gently Used Goods):  DJ Wizniak (donations@h2hsh.net)
Events Manager:  Lusia Lu (events@h2hsh.net)
Events Team Management Backup/Assistant:  Karen Carrington
Executive Director:  Karen Carrington (execdirector@h2hsh.net)
Field Trips:  Karen Carrington (sponsorship@h2hsh.net)
Finance Director:  Zhang Xiaoguang
Finance Team:  Jac Wang, Karen Carrington
Heart Bear Order Manager:  Juliana Zeiske
Knitting Manager:  Helen Anderson (knitting@h2hsh.net)
Knitting Manager Backup:  Sophia Luo
Legal Counsel/Director:  Zhang Qi
Media and Marketing Manager/Director:  Lusia Lu
Medical Liaison/Information Director:  Alonso Wan
Minhang/Qingpu/Songjiang Coordinator:  Michael Chew
Minhan/Qingpu/Songjiang Backup:  Ming Zhou
New Volunteer Coordinators:  Ella Liu, Liz Ting, Patricia Prado
Newsletter Editor:  Debra Carter (newsletter@h2hsh.net)
Newsletter Proofreader:  Karen Carrington
On-line Projects Manager:  Nancy Kong
On-line Sales:  Anita Govil, Debbie Foster, May Botha
Playroom Manager:   Lili Zhou
Playroom Backup:  Ming Zhou
Processes & Procedures:  Rina Mybourg
Project Management:  April Shi
Sewing Team Manager:  Rina Mybourg
Sponsorship & Hospital Visits:  Karen Carrington (sponsorship@h2hsh.net)
Webmasters:  Eric Wang (database), Jung-wo Lee (website) & Karen Carrington (content)
Website pictures (remote):  Lenel Roux
WeChat Account Manager:  Mei Kang

Many Ways to Support Us!
Did you know that Heart to Heart is a 100% volunteer organization?  With no paid staff we always need people to volunteer.  Here are just a few of the ways you can help us.

Visit Us at an Event
Check out our ‘Support Us’ section following the calendar.
Donate New or Gently Used Goods
Clothing, toys, toiletries collected from hotel visits, company swag – as long as it is not electronic or breakable, we will find a use for it.  Please contact donations@h2hsh.net.

Donate Your Time
Help out in our hospital playroom, join an assembly session, schedule a special group volunteering session for you and your coworkers, knit or sew bear clothes at home or with friends.  There are countless opportunities.  We definitely need your help!

Other Donations
You can help support our food card program, our rural school library or sports equipment programs, or become a heart surgery program sponsor.  Contact us to find out how you can help.

Tell Your Friends About Us
Talk to a volunteer at an event and pass on the information. Bring a friend to a volunteer session. Enlist your friends from home to make a donation (contact our executive director to find out how you can make this happen).